Rise of the Horde

Chapter 149 - 149

Xiao Chen brandished his crescent-moon spear once again and charge towards the hobgoblin that was barking orders to the goblins. He rushed forward with all his might and skewered a few goblins along the way; he created once again a goblin kebab. Feeling his weapon going heavier because of all the bodies dangling on it, Xiao Chen halted his rush and flung the goblin corpses, hurling them towards the hobgoblin.

Corpses rained down on the hobgoblin who had his eyes widened with the power being displayed by their enemy. That strange-looking weapon in the hand of their opponent was nothing similar to any weapon that he have seen before and the way it demolishes everything in its path made him have second thoughts of engaging the orc who was heading for him.

The two ladies were doing their best behind Xiao Chen to catch up with him, but they were being impeded by their foes, who started flocking towards them, evading the path of Xiao Chen. Their chieftain\'s weapon was very suited for going against many enemies at once with them all around you. The wide swings that he launches destroyed a bunch of their foes with ease as they exploded into a bloody mist.

The hobgoblin that was buried by Xiao Chen with the corpses finally managed to remove the stiff bodies that were atop him. He stared at the orc, who freely rampaging around his allies, gathering all his courage. The hobgoblin raised his weapon in the air and shouted its lungs out before charging forward.

Xiao Chen turned around after hearing the loud battle-cry and there he saw it, a hobgoblin charging towards him with a rusted scimitar on his hands. The goblins on the path of the hobgoblin\'s charge were all shoved aside, and the ones with a better understanding of the situation made way for their leader.

"Heh... Idiot!" Xiao Chen muttered as he grabbed the shaft of his weapon with both hands and brought his spear to his right side in preparation for a swing like how would a batter do in a baseball game. He was waiting for the hobgoblin to be within his weapon\'s range. Lucky for him, the surrounding goblins halted in their attacks and waited for the results of his clash and their hobgoblin leader.

"Three meters..."

"Two meters..."

"One meter..."


Xiao Chen whispered to himself, then wind up his weapon and swung forward. Anticipation was apparent in his eyes as he rotated counterclockwise. His weapon crashed heavily against the charging hobgoblin and sent it flying away. The hobgoblin flew away in such a great distance as Xiao Chen brought his left hand on his forehead like he was covering his eyes from the rays of the nonexistent sun. "Home run!" he muttered to himself as he watched the hobgoblin disappear in the thick fog.

"Heh..." he grinned as he stared menacingly at the remaining goblins around him. "Hya!" he shouted as he brought down his weapon atop the closest goblin and demolished it to a pulp, its entrails scattered around and showering its brethren and what remains of him was embedded to the ground. Swinging left and right, Xiao Chen felt invincible as he thoroughly thrashed the surrounding goblins.

Ulfrus, charged forward and pummeled any foe that was in its path. Using its stone paws, it mauled the little goblins and tore their bodies apart. Its master continued on dancing around the battlefield and cutting limbs and heads off their owners. Draegh\'ana spun and spun around while being drenched in blood all over her body. She was like a demon as she slashed left and right without any emotion except for the smile that never left her lips. She was competing with the female human on who would take down more of their enemies.

"Meh! Die!" Capricorn bellowed as he dashed around in the battlefield and kicking away his targets with his powerful hooves. He was also ramming through groups of goblins and with his horns sent them flying high in the air before they crashed down hard on the ground, unmoving.

The enormous eagle swoop down now and then and grabbing a few goblins with its talons. It would soar high in the sky with its victims before hurling them down to the ground and sending them to their deaths.


To the left flank, Galum\'nor and the Yurakks were being assaulted by goblins atop their wolf steeds. The Torhterra Formation of the Yurakks was long broken due to the actions of the wolves who kept jumping atop their shields and using them as a platform to go to their rear. Galum\'nor himself was engulfed by the thrill of the battle as he went around, smashing any foe that he could set his eyes upon.

Squashed corpses were all that was left behind as the huge orc moved forward. Spinning around while gripping tightly on the far end of his weapon\'s handle, he sent the goblins and their wolf steeds flying back and freeing the Yurakks from being emboldened in a tight battle amidst their ranks.

Aro\'shanna swung her axe around with all her might as he cleaved both rider and steed into two. The ones that weren\'t struck by her weapon didn\'t have it easier as she rammed through them and sent them hurtling backwards. The little Grogus behind her had to duck down and roll away as not to be accidentally struck by the female orc who seemed to have forgotten about his existence.

Swinging her axe upwards, Aro\'shanna sent a goblin rider and its steed flying backwards. Upon landing, a half of their bodies slid to one side as they were both bisected in half cleanly. The Rakshas at the center of the Yohan battle-line maintained their line as they stood their ground against the goblins, who kept on charging towards them. They were still attempting to break through the Rakshas, who didn\'t even give an inch of a ground to them.

The left flank of the warriors of Yohan was being overrun by the goblin riders, who managed to break through their formation. Engagements were going all over their ranks as the Yurakks on the left flank attempted to push away the goblin riders out of their formation to stabilize their line.

"Crush them! Drive them away!" Galum\'nor bellowed towards the Yurakks near him as he smashed a goblin to the ground and turning its body into paste. Even without their riders, the wolves continued on assaulting the Yurakks, swiping with their claws and biting with their fangs.

Glancing behind him, Galum\'nor saw the trolls who were idling around. "Trolls! Come here!" he shouted and grabbed the neck of the nearest troll and shoved him forward.. It didn\'t take long for the trolls to join in the fray as they unsheathed their short swords and charging forward to reinforce their collapsing left flank.

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